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Workplace Gender Equality Agency – Compliance Certificates. Employers who are tendering for a government contract and required to report to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency, can expect to receive communications on Compliance Certificates. For more information, please refer to our Minimum Requirements page.

About this Survey

The Department of Finance is continually seeking to improve the information and resources available to support businesses in understanding how to identify business opportunities and sell to the Australian Government.

The purpose of this short survey is to understand what information would be helpful to you when you are considering selling to the Australian Government. Your contribution will help us to identify what works well, what you need and how we can improve this site.

You will not be contacted as a result of feedback provided in this survey. If you would like to give additional feedback, would like to hear more from us or send a general enquiry, please use the Contact Us form.

Privacy collection notice

Your submission may include personal information. The supply of this information is voluntary. Your personal information is protected by law, including the Privacy Act 1988, and the Australian Privacy Principles. By collecting any personal information you voluntarily supply, your information may be used by Finance or disclosed to related other parties engaged to perform services for Finance, only for the purpose of collating and analysing survey results to improve the Selling to Government website, unless you have otherwise agreed or it is required or authorised by law.

Responses to the survey may be reported in an aggregated manner, with no individual identified in results. For more information about how Finance handles your personal information, please see our Privacy Policy.

Demographic Information

To better target information for you, it helps us to understand who is using our website. With that in mind, we’d like to know more about your organisation. If you do not wish to provide this information, please note that this section is completely optional.

1. How many employees (Full-Time Equivalent) work in your organisation?

2. In which state or territory is your organisation mainly based?

3. Which of the below best describes where your organisation is mainly based?

4. Do any of the below describe your organisation? (please select all that apply)

Website Experience

Now we would like to ask you about your experience of the Selling to Government website. Your response will help us to identify what works well, and areas for improvement.

5. How helpful are the resources and information available on the Selling to Government website?

6. How satisfied are you with the resources available on the Selling to Government website?

7. Has the Selling to Government website increased your awareness of the options and opportunities available to sell to the Australian Government?

8. Has the Selling to Government website improved your understanding of the Australian Government’s tendering processes and requirements?

9. Has accessing information on the Selling to Government website improved your capability to sell to the Australian Government?

Anything else?

Is there anything else you would like to share with us around your experience of the Selling to Government website? We are always looking for opportunities to improve the content available.

Please note, you will not be contacted as a result of feedback provided in this survey. If you would like to give additional feedback, or to send a general enquiry, then please submit a Contact Us form.