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The Indigenous Procurement Policy (IPP) is changing. The Australian Government has announced key changes to the IPP to strengthen the eligibility criteria, tackle ‘black cladding’, and increase Commonwealth procurement targets. The target for Commonwealth procurement from First Nations businesses will increase to 3% in 2025-2026, with incremental increases of 0.25% each year to reach 4% by 2029-2030. Additionally, from 1 July 2026, First Nations businesses must be at least 51% First Nations owned and controlled (or registered with the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations) to access the IPP. These changes aim to ensure that the economic benefits of the IPP flow directly to First Nations people. For full details on the upcoming changes visit the National Indigenous Australian Agency website.

As a potential supplier to the Australian Government you need to know how to find business opportunities and compete effectively. You also need to understand the rules and processes that apply to how the Australian Government buys goods and services.

If you are interested in doing business with the Australian Government, then this guide is your starting point. Information throughout is provided in a question-and-answer format, covering basic questions on the essentials, such as:

  • How does the Australian Government market work?
  • Where do you find business opportunities?
  • How do you win Australian Government business?
  • What are the rules and processes when the Australian Government buys from the private sector?

The Department of Finance has developed this guide to help you understand how to identify opportunities and best position your business to compete for, and win work with the Australian Government.

Who should read this guide?

This guide is for businesses that are interested in supplying goods or services to the Australian Government. It will help you better understand the specific requirements and processes that apply to Australian Government procurement.

This guide does not cover the practices of state, territory, local or international government organisations. Each of these jurisdictions have their own procurement requirements and policies. If you are interested in selling to state and territory governments, or governments internationally, links to relevant information and resources are included in the Selling to Government links and resources section of this website.

What is procurement?

In this guide, we use the term ‘procurement’. Procurement is a term used to describe buying goods and services. Procurement encompasses the whole process of buying goods and services. It begins when a need is identified, and a decision is made to buy to meet this need. Procurement continues through the processes of risk assessment, seeking and evaluating alternative solutions, and the awarding of a contract.