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Workplace Gender Equality Agency – Compliance Certificates. Employers who are tendering for a government contract and required to report to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency, can expect to receive communications on Compliance Certificates. For more information, please refer to our Minimum Requirements page.

This section contains resources and links to help businesses to better understand and participate in public sector procurement and contracting opportunities. This includes handouts and workshop content, information on where to go to find out more about selling to the Australian Government, links to state and territory government procurement websites, business and information networks, and other helpful resources.


Tools and learning content

Find simple tools and resources to help you better understand Australian Government procurement and contracting opportunities.
Find learning materials and workshop content to help you to better understand Australian Government procurement and contracting opportunities.


Additional resources

Find links to further information on Australian Government procurement, selling to state and territory governments, and selling to governments internationally.
Find links to information on engaging in business in Australia, relevant business networks, and advice for businesses interested in participating in Australian Government procurement processes.
Find case studies, success stories, and the latest news and media on selling to the Australian Government.
Find a list and description of common terms used in Australian Government procurement and contracts.