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On 17 June 2024 the Minister for Finance, Senator Katy Gallagher, announced updates to the Commonwealth Procurement Rules (CPRs), and the introduction of the Commonwealth Supplier Code of Conduct (Code). Both the CPRs and the Code came into effect on 1 July 2024. Information on the Code is available on the Finance website, and the Responding to an Approach to Market and If you are awarded a contract sections of the Selling to Government website. Further information on the changes to the CPRs is also available on the Finance website.

This guide is for businesses that are interested in supplying goods or services to the Australian Government. It will help you better understand the specific requirements and processes involved.

Understand the process

A skyscraper reflected in the glass of another.
If you are interested in doing business with the Australian Government, this Guide is your starting point.
Two people standing underneath a dark building with yellow pillar lights illuminating the ground
Find out how the Australian Government buys goods and services, and where you can find opportunities.
photo of men and woman on homepage
All Australian Government organisations have procurement rules they must follow.
Two individuals dressed in business attire smiling at the viewer in an office setting.
Understand the process of responding to an approach to market, with practical advice on how to give your response the best chance for success.
Understand what to expect if you win a contract with the Australian Government.
Looking up at a glass office building at a blue sky with clouds. The building is modern and corporate.
Understand steps you can take to position yourself for the next opportunity.
Two workers in an office consult plans on an office desk in a modern sleek office.
Understand payment and invoicing processes for Australian Government contracts.