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Workplace Gender Equality Agency – Compliance Certificates. Employers who are tendering for a government contract and required to report to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency, can expect to receive communications on Compliance Certificates. For more information, please refer to our Minimum Requirements page.

Australian Spatial Analytics (ASA) is one of Australia’s largest and fastest-growing work integrated social enterprises. Since 2020, ASA has helped create geospatial and digital engineering careers for young neurodivergent adults.

ASA creates enduring social impact for young neurodivergent adults who face a 34% unemployment rate by providing stable and meaningful work— improving their confidence, resilience and well-being.

Procurement with social impact

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) is an Australian Government department that promotes and protects Australia’s international interests. DFAT runs the Smartraveller website, providing overseas travel advice to Australian travellers every year.

DFAT’s Procurement Policy, as part of the Commonwealth Procurement Rules, provides for the efficient, effective, economical and ethical delivery of purchasing and procurement activities, including creating social impact.

DFAT partnered with ASA after an open tender process to provide Smartraveller maps. “ASA presented the best value for money and demonstrated expertise, so it was appointed as the map provider.” said a DFAT spokesperson.

This new approach to providing mapping products on the Smartraveller site is innovative and invaluable

DFAT and ASA form a unique partnership that benefits both Australian travellers and young neurodivergent adults. This project enables ASA to equip young neurodivergent adults with geospatial and data analysis skills, creating valuable future employment opportunities.

In turn, DFAT leverages ASA’s expertise to create informative travel advice maps. This collaboration has empowered young neurodivergent adults with regular work while strengthening communication and safety for Australian travellers.

DFAT has created community and social impact for five data analysts through their supply chains by utilising ASA’s neurodiverse workforce. Cartography, database updates, and map revisions are excellent entry points for ASA’s team to learn core skills in the geospatial profession. This project provides a technical grounding and builds confidence, independence, and self-belief that more employment opportunities are available.

“We value the supportive relationship between DFAT and ASA which has enabled a team of amazing young neurodivergent Australians to undertake and deliver important map production work for the Australian travelling public over the last three years. We are proud to have again won this contract on the open market, proving the true abilities and value of engaging the neurodivergent community into meaningful mainstream geospatial employment.” Michael Krome, Chief Operations Officer, ASA.

ASA prepares the data and layouts to display the most current travel advice for every region and country. A team of five analysts process DFAT’s change requests. The team is based in ASA’s Melbourne and Brisbane offices, and at least two team members are always available to update the travel advice maps immediately if the request is urgent.

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